CSSLE: Create a Safe & Supportive Learning Environment

Safe. Supportive. Learning.

Program Manager: Regina Timms
Participants: Open statewide throughout the 2023-2024 SY.
Program Overview: In this one-day training, participants will be able to:

  • Identify the purpose and process of Creating Safe and Supportive Learning Environments by examining the basic parts of the function of the brain and how those manifest behavior and adverse experiences.

  • Examine how the three Rs—Regulate, Relate, and Reason—impact student learning.

  • Discuss differences between regulation and dysregulation.

  • Compare traditional reactions to safe and supportive responses that are restorative and trauma-informed.

  • Identify how culture and bias influence our perceptions of how we respond and react.

  • Identify the significance of student voice and agency.

It is important to foster a learning environment in which students feel safe, relaxed, and willing to take risks, especially for learners who may be experiencing increased uncertainty during times of crisis. Students often describe supportive learning environments as expanding their sense of family and enhancing their self-esteem, which, when combined with increased literacy skills, help students take more chances in pursuing their goals.

Here are some ways to create a supportive learning environment for your students:


Tool Kit

We know it is hard to keep up with all of the paperwork you are required to fill out and turn in. We will use this spot to keep all of the important documents you need to access for SSLE-E all in one spot.

Book Bag


There is nothing better than finding a book that you can go back to again and again for inspiration or to grab a great quote or lesson from. That is why we want to start a running list of some of the best ones that we know. You may find some that you know and hopefully we can introduce you to some new ones!